259 Ave E. - 23rd St - Side Entrance, Bayonne NJ 07002
sHOW sTOPPER practice
Every other Sunday, Starting: Sept 29, 2024
Time: 10:30-11:30am - CFA Gym
Free Cheerleading Team!

CFA's Cheer Abilities team , Show Stoppers is designed to help athletes with a disability (special needs) gain fine and gross motor skills while experiencing the world of Cheerleading! Having a Cheer Abilities program builds the inclusive gym environment Cheer Force Athletics stands for and continues to grow the “Work Hard, Have Fun, that's what Makes Us Number One” standard in a judgement free zone.
CFA Show Stoppers is a FREE cheerleading team ran by CFA and also ran by the City of Bayonne Recreation Department. Uniform, Cheer Gear, and Practice is FREE for all Show Stopper team members.
Athletes will attend practice twice a month for one hour of learning, every other Sunday from 10:30-11:30am to learn their cheerleading routine! Each Show Stoppers athlete will have the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe environment. Skills introduced: Intro to Tumbling skills such as forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, handstands, and bridges as well as assisted cheerleading stunting and dance/cheer motions. Our coaches will help guide the athletes through the skills using effective keywords and creative drills. Each practice will entail some conditioning to build strength within each athlete to help make each new skill easier to complete and safer. During each practice, there will be multiple coaches helping and supervising to ensure fun and safety!
CFA Show Stoppers will be required to attend two local competitions during the season. The City of Bayonne will provide free bus transportation for Show Stopper athletes and their family members to and from the competition. Show Stoppers will perform a 2 minute and 30 second cheerleading routine with the help of an assistant. They will show case their love for cheerleading as well as skills learned in practice. At the end of each competition, each Show Stopper athlete will receive a cheerleading medal for their hard work.
We are incredibly proud of the growth and success of our Show Stopper team!
We look forward to continuing to expand our Cheer Abilities program.